Saturday, October 3, 2009

food plot fun

When you marry a man who loves to hunt deer you get to experience planting food plots each fall (and several other times per year b/c you must feed them.) So today was the day they worked on some of the many food plots on the farm. They all had to look in and see what was in the seed-thrower-outer-thingie...
I knew that you would wanna see here it is. Fertilizer and seed. Do you know why the see has red dye on it? Well, it is because so the birds won't eat it! Pretty ingenious huh?
Carson and Brandon are such big buddies...4 years age difference but you would never know it they way they play together. Brandon is such a sweet (and knowledgeable) kid. I love it when he comes over to play...they go on tons of adventures out in the woods and making forts and anything else you can imagine.

Toby taking a break on the all the seeds and fertilizer!

Then we started playing a game...who would balance all the way around the edge of the trailer. They did a pretty good job I must say.

Gage is such a super big brother to Toby. He loves him and takes care of him. I just looked over and Gage was wanting to share his nabs with his little brother.
You know me...I had to get a group shot of all the boys. They had so much fun play
ing down there in the woods and on all of the food plot stuff...making lots of fun memories.

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