Thursday, October 29, 2009

At the Zoo...

GG and Gage headed out to the zoo for a little fun! They also met YaYa (Carla) and Baby Mac!

Gage was super sweet to GG to pose for these pics because he never does that for me!

Loving this pic of the 2 of them visiting the monkeys.

Checking out the flamingos...

Riding the beautiful carousel a the zoo. It has wild animals on it instead of horses.

We kept telling Gage that he was going to meet Baby Mac but he did not realize that Mac was going to be so tiny. Carla said it really shocked him when Baby Mac was so little. He did get excited though when Mac held his hand. It was Carla and Mac's first big outting since he has been born and GG said she did a great job!

I love this pic of all 3 of them!

Lunch time for Mac!

They ate lunch at the Elephant Cafe (the old elephant house) and had a yummy meal! Gage saw corn dogs and wanted one, saw and icee and wanted one too. GG bought both of those. Then got chicken strips and fries for her and Carla. Then Gage wanted chicken strips and fries too! So GG ate the corn dog and Carla and Gage ate chicken strips. Afterwards the ladies at the Elephant House gave Gage some cotton candy and he went behind the counter and gave them all big hugs and said "thank you!" So happy that all 4 of them had a FUN time!

1 comment:

  1. precious pictures, what zoo was that? i miss your mom! mac is so tiny!!! doesn't help that my clock is tickin!
