Friday, June 5, 2009


This was the scene of a lot of fun today at Carson's school! The kids had a blast on the huge waterslide...added was Mr. Bubble and water. Carson's school goes thru June 25...they do their studies mainly in the morning and then several days of the week they allow for lots of fun!

Carson, Demarrious, and John Carl sliding down...

Ummm...can't you tell how much fun he was having?

Yep...I wore my suit too and joined in on the fun...I couldn't resist. Carson and I went down it several time together but then Carson told me that he wanted to go with his friends. They all had so much fun...I am so thankful for such an awesome school for Carson!

1 comment:

  1. Where oh where do I begin? First, you are a super Mama for getting on that slip n slide! And the VIEW from your tent. My word, what a great time that must have been for the two of you to get away in such solitude. Have a great break this summer. I know you'll enjoy every minute! AE
