Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gingerbread House at YaYa and Sams

Carson spent the night with YaYa (Carla) last night. They went to the Ag Museum to look at trains. Afterwards they were going to build a gingerbread house at Carlas. While still at the Ag Museum, Carson found some tools in the general store that he told YaYa that he had to have. Carla asked "why?" Carson replied "because we are building a gingerbread house tonight." He thought he was building a real house. Uncle Sam is a resident OBGYN and Carson found Sam's batman scrub hat and was instantly interrested.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! And what a cute name for Carla. I have loved seeing pictures of your boys! They are so darling and you marked them all for sure.
    It's hard to believe the big move is upon us and I couldn't be happier. It'll be WONDERFUL to keep in touch!
    Lots of Love and Merry Christmas,
    Ann Elise
