I love to take pictures (obviously) and I love interesting animal facts and I love going on field trips. So yesterday was a super fun day for me! I can't go to the zoo with our thinking of God...the Creator of Everything! God has quite a sense of humor...did you know that? If you did not know that...go on a field trip to the zoo with a kid and look at all of the animals!

The orangatangs were eating breakfast when we got there. It consisted of lots of fruit. I want to point out an interesting fact...they peel their bananas from the opposite end that we peel them. If you peel them that way you don't get those stringy things attached to your banana that you have to pick off with your finger. Did you know that?

Class picture in front of the elephants. Julie and Suzanne are amazing teachers. Can't say enough good things about these 2 ladies. They have mounds of patience and love for these 6 boys. I appreciate all that they do for Carson...he has come leaps and bounds since he started to school here in August 2007. (kids are Nick, Demarrius, Jonathan, John Carl, Cameron, and Carson)

Such a regal tiger! There are 3 of them there and a new exhibit is being built for them. The area will be much bigger. Their swimming area will be 600 sq. feet and the cage they are living in now is 800 sq. feet. They will be much happier come the end of the year when they can move to their new home.

Julie is a teacher of 6 boys. There is a running joke that she spends all of her time in the boys bathroom. So it was very appropriate yesterday for me to snap a shot of her exiting the boys bathroom!

The giraffes were so pretty and very curious while we were there. Th giraffe's heart has to pump really hard to get blood all the way up to it head due to its long next. So when the giraffe bends its head down to drink water there is a one way shut off valve in its heart to stop blood flow for the moment because if not all of the blood would be force down to its head and the giraffe would not survive. Interesting huh?

Train ride at the zoo...Carson told me he wanted me to ride with him on the caboose...so that is exactly what we did!

These chimpanzees were too interested in something else going on to pay attention to us. Chimpanzees are apes...apes don't have tails...monkeys do! So don't insult an ape by calling him a monkey like I did yesterday to a gibeon (a small ape.)

5 kid pile up!

This ostrich was about 4 feet from us drinking water and when he would raise his head up he would be eye level with us and very curious about us. One ostrich egg weighs as much as 25-30 chicken eggs and takes 2 1/2 hours to hard boil it. But who eggs hard boiled ostrich eggs and I wonder how many 1 egg could feed?
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