We all went to KayKay's 6th birthday tonight out at their farm. She had a Barbie Princess birthday cake and it was so yummy. KayKay is a sweet and special little girl to me because she is always out at my house with her family and she is the only little girl! She has been such a sweet loving "mama" to Gage and Toby as they are growing up and always wanted to hold them when they were babies. I love you KayKay and hope you have a wonderful princess birthday!
The boys had a great time playing with friends and checking out all their new wildlife. They should open up a petting zoo!

This turkey hen hatched these baby turkeys yesterday. The hen would be get nervous and not let her chicks stray too far from her when we got close. They were so tiny and really neat to watch. It was really cool how she called them back to her and they would come running and get under her wings for protection.

Carson, Brandon, and Caulder--check out all of the wildlife behind the boys!

This is Brandon's peacock!

Toby loved sticking his hands in the fish pond water.

All of the turkeys gobbling and strutting around...

Gage Kennedy - aka Monkey Boy!
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