I help teach 2 and 3 year old Mission Friends every Wednesday night with some great girls. My job is to teach the lesson. We have a state or country with missionaries each month. This month I have printed out the state of Texas and pictures of Jimmy and Janet (our missionaries) then also pictures to teach them about Texas...cowboy, cactus, ghost town, oil derrick, windmills, etc. It would amaze you what these can soak up in a 15 minutes lesson. Last night I pulled out my book and help up my paper and I said "what state?" They yelled "TEXAS!" I said "who are our missionaries?" They screamed "JIMMY AND JANET!" Julie looked at me and said "that is amazing!" I loved these little kids! Oh and they are also learning (they really already know it) their Bible verse "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" Mark 12:30. They have a really cute song that they sing too. It's to the tune of "I'm a little teapot" it goes...I'm a little mission friend this is what I know, God really, really loves me so, He made all the birds, flowers, and trees, God made you and God made me. They will perform all of this at church on May 13 on stage. Don't worry...I'll get pictures! Can you tell I'm in my element on Wednesday night at 6:50?

Bella, Gage, Cooper

Avery, Sy, Matt, and Bryson
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