We decided to make a trip up to my grandparents (so they are my kids GREAT grandparents) house to visit. How cool is that to have great grandparents. I had a great grandmother until I was 27...I just think it so neat to have that many people in your family alive at one time!
Carson of course had to take his bike so he could show them how well he could ride now. They were very impressed of course as all grandparents always are!

Toby and Papa John

Gage reached down to pick up these flowers (roots and all) and said "these are for Meme"

He was very proud of his bitterweed flowers he picked for Meme. Meme was too of course and we immediately cut off the roots and put them in a vase and set them in the window so she could enjoy them this week.
The boys behaved at their house. I always get nervous when I take them there because there are TONS of things you can touch and play with that are NOT for kids. Indian artifacts, guns, medicine...you know...the usual. But they played outside and with toys that Meme has saved from when we were little...old fisher price toys...they love them!
Hey Amy, just wanted to let you know that i just loved your blogs....so much i have created my own!!!! They boys are precious and your stories are fabulous! Kristi Magee