For Easter remember that Nana and Slick gave Carson and Gage baseball gloves and balls. Well, now Bradley said that they needed a real bat and some (soft) t-balls...so that is what I ventured off to Wal-Mart for yesterday (b/c remember Wal-Mart has everything according to Carson). So when we all got home from school, we had ball practice and it was fun!

I took several pictures of Carson and the face shots were TOO funny. He is so serious with all of this ball stuff and wants to hit it perfect each time. We have explained to him many time you must practice to be a "winner." Also we are teaching him not to be a poor sport...if you don't hit it perfect...don't throw a fit! Parenting...so much fun!

Yep...Gage is our lefty batter! His Slick is most excited because he is also a lefty. But Gage throws with his right. Oh and after we took these pics of him hitting the ball...he found a mud puddle and proceeded to strip naked as a jaybird and play in the mud!

Sweet Stinkin' Toby! (oh and he is walking much more now)
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