About a month ago I was checking my junk mail box and came across a Bob the Builder email about a new DVD. I clicked on it and it has a tour schedule. I thought just maybe it would come to a neighboring state and we could make a show...but no...even better it came to our state! I called Bradley immediately and said "we have gotta go!" He did not give me any grief about it and said "get the tickets." I was not happy with the tickets that Ticketmaster was trying to give me...so I made a trip to Bebop and selected my own tickets with the help of a lovely worker there. I was more excited than anyone I think! We told Carson and Gage about a week ahead of time and they were pumped!

Our crew before the show started. Bradley was such a good daddy to get this group pic with the family. He knows how much I crave pictures so I know he did this only for me! I was so glad he tagged along so he could see the reaction on the boys faces when they finally got to meet the REAL Bob the Builder.

During the show...Scoop, Bob, Lofty, Wendy, Scrambler, and Dizzy. It was such a cute show and all of the construction characters moved on their own...so they were very real for the boys.

Can you imagine what is going thru his head? THIS is why I wanted Bradley to go with me and THIS is why I paid whatever I needed to get us to see this Bob the Builder...PRICELESS!

Our family favorites...Scoop and Bob!

Toby really enjoyed himself too. He was quite good for a 14 month old between the hours of 6:00 and 7:45...supper time and night-night time! I kept him occupied with crackers and juice plus he really did enjoy himself for the majority of the program. Such a great night...it met all of my expectations...It was magical...like Disney is to other people I guess. That is how special Bob is to our crew...reduce, reuse, recycle.