At the lovely local wal-mart where I grocery shop, they have the "coolest" motorcycle game. Well, each time we go if the boys behave they get a $1 ride on the's better than chips or candy and costs the same amount! So after we shop and check out we get our money ready. Carson is pretty good at it...Gage is not so good just yet! We draw quite a crowd sometimes b/c I have 3 small boys with me and Carson is usually cheering Gage on quite loudly while he is driving! I wanted you to be able to experience what I get enjoy!
Carson came in 5th place!

Gage is SO serious when he is driving.

Carson is cheering Gage on and he so wants to jump in and help him win the race b/c he can tell that Gage is not as good of a driver as him. I have very competitive boys!

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