Yep...today marks 7 years that we have spent together. We have had a fun 7 years too! Never thought 10 years ago God would have given me this man and we would have 3 little boys together. Nothing too exciting happened today. Brad did tell the office staff that it was our anniversary so this morning when I ran to the office during break to get some copies made several of them said "happy anniversary". I said "yep it was the best move that boy made asking me to marry him." They said "that's exactly what Coach Smith told us this morning but it was the best move you had ever made." Little do they know we are always joking about this around our anniversary time. We did go on a golfcart ride with all the boys of course looking for deer and rabbits. We asked Gage to take our picture so we could remember our 7th anniversary and how we spent it. He was so excited to get to take our picture...he was telling us..."say cheese mama and daddy!" The big excitement of the evening is that I went to the local grocery store today and bought 2 (yes 2) flavors of sherbert (we are trying to watch our weight that is why I did not get Blue Bell!)...pinapple and twisted cactus. We are wild and crazy huh? So I guess I need quit the blog tonight so I can go snuggle on the couch with Bradley, watch football (oh fun), and eat lots of sherbert! I love you so much Bradley...thank you for such a super fun 7 years and many more adventures to come...
Amy, Sounds like a great day in seventh heaven. I am so happy for you, AE