Ok...well after the beach then to Chick Fil A to eat...bathtime was the next order of business! Mom has a big tub with jets...and when you add bubbles...oh so much more FUN! Mounds of bubbles appeared when we turned on the jets and we would have to turn them off periodically to let the bubbles die down before starting them up again. At one point Toby dissappeared into the mound of bubbles and when he came up was covered in them! I have posted to videos of bubble time on the part 5 section...so check those out too!
Bubbles everywhere...

Priceless look on Toby's face!

Yep, this was after Toby came up for air after being submerged in the bubbles!

Gage could have stayed in the tub forever!

Toby getting good loving from GG!

Jubal (the new poodle) thought the boys in the tub were too much fun and really would have like to have joined them I think...He and Toby really hit it off as good buddies!

As if bubble bath was NOT enough, GG pulled out real bubbles...oh fun!

Silly Gage-Man!

THEN if those real bubbles were not enough...she pulled out the HUGE bubble maker! Going back to our bathtub with just a normal tub and bubbles will be not so interesting now...oh well...I guess that what it is all about...memories of bubbles in GG's tub!
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