I took Gage and Toby down to see Mom (aka GG) and Ken (aka Top) for a short weekend trip. Right when we turned onto Hwy 90 Gage quickly hollered "look Mama it's the beach!" GG greeted up as the door and we went up for yummy popscicles then honored Gage's wishes and headed across the road to the beach! How much fun they both had! It was Toby's first time to see the beach. Gage was loving all of the "big water!" Rhett, mom's poodle, even got to go with us. Gage couldn't stay still for 2 seconds...he was everywhere...all over the beach!

Toby was such a busy little bee find differnt sticks to throw into the water. He loved the sand and how it felt to him in his hands.

Gage allowed GG to take him out a little ways that first afternoon to a nearby sandbar. And he quickly realized that the water was saltwater and decided to start closing his mouth when he would splash.
I love this picture of Toby...just taking it all in on his first trip to the beach!

We decided to make a sandcastle and even topped it off with a moat, bridge, and a flag on top! FUN!

We went back the next morning and Gage was much more brave. He and GG walked way out to more sandbars. In the Part 5 of 5 there will be a cute video of him jumping the waves. Toby loved sitting in my lap watching all of the birds eat breakfast.
Oh, I miss your mom. What wonderful memories. Have a great week, AE