This picture definitely has a story...

This past Friday I had 3 different conversation with a few people during the school day I told them that I was going to Soso after school for a road trip. They immediately said "oh I know why you are going to Soso!" I asked "why do you think?" They all said "to go to the liquor store." I thought that was so funny that people thought I was going to drive way over an hour to a little dinky liquor store. I just laughed at them and answered "no silly...chicken eggs." Well, what you have to realize is that I/we live in a dry county and people have to drive quite a distance if they want alcohol/liquor/wine. No clue people drove all the way to this place to get liquor! We do pass the liquor store on the way to our chicken man (it is actually attached to the gas station!) So on the way back I had to get a picture of me and the liquor store as a good laugh. It was quite a shady place but thankfully a redneck truck was leaving and his spot was right in front of the store. I just hopped out and Brad snapped the pic with my phone and was acting like he was looking at something on my phone. I immediately sent it out to the 3 people who accused me of going all the way to Soso for liquor instead of eggs. By the way we have over 150 eggs in the incubators now...will hatch at the end of Spring Break...yikes! Oh and the Maran eggs that we hatched on Valentines day...we have 12 healthy chicks.

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