Warning...contains pictures of Brad debreasting a turkey.
Brad has been very persistent. Hunting every morning. The turkeys have not been cooperating. But finally Brad got one on our land during spring break. Gage was the boy up at the time so he got to enjoy a little photo session with the bird.

Brad debreasting the turkey. Gage was watching every move he made. He kept saying "Daddy we don't eat it like that right?" Brad would reply "no man, we will cook him them eat him...it tastes like chicken...we love turkey!"

Brad showing Gage how you can pull on the tendons and make the turkey toes move.

Gage thought it was way too cool!

Then it was time to dish out the 2 legs to the 2 dogs that had been waiting so patiently for their part in this dead bird. They were pumped to have turkey leg for breakfast!
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