(includes lots of pictures)
Our church put on the best egg hunt for the kids this year. We were waiting for everyone to arrive and all the kids were playing...not Toby! He found a couple of eggs, sat down by our baskets, and proceeded to start opening and eating!

all the kids ready to hunt some eggs...

It didn't take long for Toby to get then hang of "egg hunting."

Gage and Ayden getting ready for the group picture.

Brad helping Gage hunt for some eggs...

Toby found lots of eggs!

I held his basket and he ran around and grabbed eggs and threw them in the basket.

Daddy and Gage ~ my egg hunters!

I had to run around and find Carson...he was with Seth!

Wow...this boy is an experienced egg hunter...he found lots with no help from us!

Then they got to get their faces painted. This was a first for them. The next morning Carson noticed that his football and rabbit were gone off his face and wanted me to paint them back on.

One side was not enough for Carson...he also wanted a blue rabbit to go along with his red football. Our friends (the Ammanns~Seth's family) would love Carson's color choice!

I just had to document that I was there too!
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