Brad came home from his parents after switching golfcarts. I was finishing up bathing the boys. He said "well, I was over at mom and dad's and I heard a distress sound coming from the pine trees. I went over there and saw this baby squirrel on the ground crying and curled up. I picked him up and put him as high up in the tree as I could. He crawled up a little bit and then back down a little bit more. I left him there. If you want to go see if he's ok you can. You can decide what you want to do about it." Well I immediately went over there with gloves and a flashlight. I searched everywhere on the 4 pine trees and saw the nest way up in the tree. Then I started shining the light on the ground...there he was...tiny, curled up, shivering, tail wrapped around him for security. Well if you know me just a little you know exactly what I did!
Meet Rocky!

I took him in to show my in-laws. Slick said "oh you got Rocky." So the name just stuck. Guess he was thinking about the cartoon "Rocky and Bullwinkle." Fine with me because who knows what my boys would have come up with!

He sleeps all the time right now. He is in the laundry room in the cage next to the 2 boxes/cages of 40+ baby chicks. Ummmm...I do love living on this farm. What cool things my boys are getting to experience...and you know it is all about experiences that have lots to do with who we I think! The boys love Rocky and they are constantly wanting to help me with him. I am cautious though. I wear a glove with the hand I hold him with. I got a baby bottle to feed him with and pet milk that I mix up and feed him about 4 times a day. No plan to keep him forever as a pet. But it will be fun to raise him until he is able to take care of himself on our land.

I'll keep you updated...