Five days a week during the summer break (all of 6 weeks) for Carson we must do about 30 minutes of homework a day. Since I spend so much of my summer doing this...I thought I would share it with you. There are four sections to the homework. The first section Carson has to write "Yesterday was _____, Today is ______, It is a ______ day(sunny, rainy...oh and thanks to his awesome teachers he must stop hw each day at this section and go outside and check the weater), and finally Tomorrow will be _____. Can you read his handwriting? It is pretty darn good for a 5 year cursive.

Next we work on our numbers and Carson writes them 1-10. Eight is the hardest for him.

Sounds is next...he has 36 of them he can pronounce "pretty." We say the sound and then write the sound. It is called the Association Method...sort of like Phonics. He also writes his name at the top of each hw session.

The last section is nouns. He has 51 nouns he can write with either "a, the, some" before the word. We only write 10 of the a day because they take a while to write and I just want him to stay familiar with them. Can you read them...a bag, a bow, a pipe, some food, two feet, some fur, some soap, some soup, the sun, a saw is listed below 1-10.

The reason I am so demanding with this hw is because we (Carson) bust our tails every day for 10 1/2 months from 8am - 3pm at school then 30 minutes at night for hw. I don't want to be out of school for a mere 6 weeks and lose all of that knowledge. So when he starts back to school August 10th he will start right where he left off on June 24 instead of having to waste the first 6-8 weeks of school playing catch-up.
Oh and then Gage said "hey Mama, take my picture...cheese!"
great work carson!