My husband has gotten very talented with his carpentry skills...I must brag on him. On the new pipeline that now goes across our land we needed a bridge really know so if either Slick or Brad kill a deer they could cross it to go track it much easier than going around the world to get to the other side...I really think that was the main "reason" to have a new bridge. But new bridge we now have and I am quite impressed with Bradley's skills! Toby had to show it off this morning when we went down to so I could check it out and so that we could gather up some black tarp for the parking pit because we are still trying to put all of that slag into areas where we need it instead of just a huge pile where the dumptruck left it. Carson is making volcanoes in the slag though and tonight during our prayer time with the boys he thanked God for letting him make all his volcanoes...too cute.

Gage and Toby were throwing sticks off the bridge into the small creek and watching them float under them...Toby was have a wonderful time...can't you tell!

Well...then Gage went and did what I would truly expect him to do...yep, stripped his underwear and jumped into the creek. He will never cease to amaze and surprise me!

I hope you had a fun day too like I did!
Love the pic of Gage!! So typical little boy!!