Earlier this week we went up to Enid Lake and camped at a place called Persimmon Hill. It was super nice...it is a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Park. Right outside our "tent" we had a great playground and a great view of Enid Lake from our site also. Here is our pop-up with the awning up (thanks to Brad and Trey) and also we got some lights...we are super fancy now.

On Monday we had an awesome day. We went on the nature hike that morning and then went over to the beach at Enid to swim for a little bit. The kids had a great time. Carson found a Hot Wheels car buried in the sand at the waters edge and Brad cleaned it out for him...he found "treasure" at the beach he told us!

We then came back and ate lunch before I had to lay Toby down...Turkey sandwiches, pickles, cantelope balls, and famous new salsa/chips. We put the canopy up due to not much shade and hot sun and also the fan helped keep us a bit cooler too!

After Toby got up from his nap we (me, Gage, and Toby) went for a little walk down to one of the points that over looked the lake. It was such a nice view. Gage wanted to take our picture with my iPhone. He did pretty good I thought...I've been working with him. He said "ok, say cheese!"

Trey and Tina are the couple that we went camping with. They have 2 girls Tyler and Drew. Our boys and their girls had a blast playing together...riding bikes, watching tv, playing on the playground, etc. Trey and Brad went to school together at MSU. While Brad was playing basketball for MSU, Trey was a manager on the team. They hit it off as friends and have stayed close ever since...so naturally we see them about once a year to visit and catch up. And we had a great time on this trip...visiting and catching up!

Then we got an extra special treat to sort of top off the day...we got a pontoon boat ride on the lake plus tubing and jumping off the boat were included! Toby and I watched because I thought it would be too chilly for him that late in the day (around 7pm) to be in and out of the water then on a boat going pretty fast with the wind.

I knew Carson would tube...but I never believed in a million years that Gage would have done it. He was pumped up while he watched 2 girls do it right before it was his and Carson's turn. We were all just laughing our heads off at him because he was being so silly and pumped. Then it became his turn to get in the tube...I would have bet $100 that he would not do it...but I was sure wrong. I guess he did not want to show those 2 girls up! He was a great time and kept hollering to the driver..."go faster!"

Then after all the kids had a turn on the tube it was time for playtime in the water. The men became boys...Here is my oldest "child"...Brad!
Then my 2nd oldest child...Carson

and last but certainly not least...my WILD child...Gage-man!

We had such a great time spending time with each other...family and friends! Thanks Hambys for having us up to your awesome campsite. We can't wait to see you in a couple of months!
Great post! We very much enjoyed the weekend too. All the pics are great. Thanks for taking the time to share all of this. We are looking forward to the fishing rodeo and seing your new camper. I know all of your boys (including Brad) are excited about it. Take care and we'll see you soon!