Remember I told you about us getting to go to Merit Creek/Falls on Saturday...well here is our adventure...enjoy!
Carson spotting his buddy Taylor...

Part of the crew...Taylor, Carson, Tate (yes twins), Gage, Carson, & Heaven

The big section of the falls is quite big for my kiddos (in my opinion). Carson just jumped right off into it and loved every minute of it. I did not expect the others to follow...WRONG!

Gage finally got up enough guts to go...

Megan was next...

Oh heavens and then if Toby did have to go too! Megan jumped in first and then her friend Hannah helped Toby jump in...oh my Toby loved it and went several times. Look at Hannah's expression on her face...priceless!

Megan and Toby swimming to the rocks by me...

oooo....such a fun adventure was had by all and we can't wait to visit again...especially since it is only about 15 minutes from our farm!
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