Linda and I were up for and very excited about our adventure...

Gage was more than excited...check out his new hairdo!

KK and Brandon

Megan wrote her name in the glad that she was with us!

They loved Megan's idea of burying their feet in the sand.

Around a couple of bends we found a pretty little waterfall. We went in search of petrified wood...we (really the older boys) found some good pieces, Linda and I supervised the operation by sitting on the beaches, the kids (all of them) had a blast in the water!

Toby giving Megan some loving in the water...

Toby hitched a ride back to the van!

Next time we plan to actually take our drinks/snacks with us on the adventure instead of leaving them in the vehicles. That is the only regret we had of the adventure. So cool to have such a pretty place about 30 minutes away from home. We are already planning out next trip!
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