We swim at Slick's (and Nana's house) usually daily during the summer. Well our trend has already started. Some nights we (the 3 boys) take outside baths which consists of being naked jay-birds, shampoo, bar-o-soap, and a water hose. And on some nights (which happened twice this week) we deem it "ok" for the pool to qualify as the actual bath. The have switched to a salt water pool this year so I think we will be doing the later a few times per week this summer!

It took Gage ONE time for Brad and I to get in with him to get him jumping off the board and swimming to the side himself (right where he left off last summer)...oooooo GG you are gonna be so proud of this boy when we see him in the pool!

Toby Wade ceases to amaze me. He will not allow his 2 older brothers to out do him...no not at all. It only took ONE time for Brad and I to get in with him to get him to go off the board alone.

Carson Henry is still my fish and getting better every day...we are working on the "cannon ball."

Gage (aka dare devil) likes to be thrown extra high by daddy!

Ahhhhh....summer is here. It was our last day at school/work for 10ish weeks. Whoohoo. Time to be a fun Mom at Magnolia, summer camps at our house can begin...we are having 2 fun weeks, VBS (my passion/heart), and at least 4 short vacations...ahhhh...I love being a teacher, being married to a teacher, having 3 boys, and this sweet Megan God has given to us!