Sunday morning I walked out of my camper and this is what I saw...

Toby being silly at breakfast...

Gage just being silly playing on the rocks...

Gage hitching a ride with Daddy!

And Toby hitching a ride with Mama!

We had a wonderful time just relaxing. Can't wait for our next trip. We will probably have to wait until Spring Break...already planning though. One thing I love about this camping thing is that my kids love it, we are all together, and they never ask when do we have to come home...ok that was more that one but I love this camping thing. Couldn't do it without the Hamby's though...they have taught us too much about it. There is a lot of planning, packing, and tricks to learn. They are old pros at this and I'm sure glad that we can learn from them. Thanks Hambys for such a super weekend and ALL you did for us.

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