When I woke up this morning, Brad asked "have you seen the end of the driveway?" I replied simply "no, why?" "Ummm...we got rolled" is what came out of his mouth. This was our first time! We have expected it several times being teachers at the local high school but we were always prepared. One time we even parked one of our vehicles at the end of our quarter mile long driveway and made it look like someone was sitting in it. So needless to say we spent an hour and a half of our morning cleaning up 8 live oak trees and picking up lots of toilet paper!
Here is a glance at it after we had started to clean up.

Gage kept telling Carson it has poopoo on it because that is all he knows to do with toilet paper. It was funny b/c Carson kept telling him "no it doesn't have poopoo on it" and he would quickly reply "yes it does Bubba!" So then I had to settle the dispute and explain that it did not have poopoo on this toilet paper that was in the trees in our yard.

Brad and Carson got these long sticks to reach all of the toilet paper in the trees. Just for future reference to you "rollers" live oak trees are not good trees to roll because there are too many little leaves, acorns, and small branches for the roll to get hung up on...they lost many full rolls of toilet paper in the trees.

Gage was just amazed of the site of so much toilet paper in our yard!

Carson really trying to help just like his daddy!

Toby just wandered around looking...

We would gather up wads of the toilet paper and burn it. The boys loved watching the fire!

Silver lining - there is always something good that comes out of every situation!
1. We got to spend quality time together this morning.
2. I brought about 8 rolls that were half full of toilet paper back to the house and put them in the cabinet to be used.
oh amy what a mess! i bet that took forever to clean up!!! ahh the life of teachers ;)