I have started reading a new blog and she has inspired me to "say yes."
Read about it here. I want to say "yes" to my kids and be fun to be around. I do not want to say "no, I'm too tired, got to cook supper, got to do laundry"...and a million other things that mean no to my boys. So I challenge you to say "yes" to your kiddos and see what happens...blog about it!
I said "yes boys sure we can go to the park!" Carson's new trick was the seesaw.

Gage cautiously climbs down the big tower.

While Toby climbs up to go down the big slide.

Gage was most proud of his monkey skills on the bars.

Gotta funny to share...we (my boys) are boxer brief guys. Today we got a box of hand-me-downs from Chase. In it we found some really cute GAP boys brief underwear. We were getting dressed for church this morning and I said "Gage you want to wear this new underwear Chase gave you?" He said "Look Mama, it's panties!" I just fell out laughing...so today he is going around my in-laws house where we have lots of company over and saying "hey, you want to see my panties." I don't know what is going to come out of this boys mouth from day to day!
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