Day 4...we are all still here and smiling! Remember we have had VBS all week. I was assistant director until Monday morning at 7am when I had to step it up a notch...Sharon had a horrible stomach bug. I said sure no problem...don't worry...and have enjoyed every minute of it! I was suppose to take Eva to the daycare at our church while I was doing VBS...but how could you take "this" to daycare b/c I just eat her up. I kept her! Yep...I do VBS everyday with Eva on the hip. We have become quite the pair...I will miss this TINY little woman. If Eva is not here on my hip...

She might be found here! This is Earl...we love Earl because he gives my hip and arm a break. Eva won't go to many men this week...but she LOVES Earl...and he loves Eva! He finds me several times during the day and just takes her from her from me...she goes very with open arms! Usually around 11am...

You will find Eva here! Yep...I can't get her to take a nap...but Earl can. She just curls up on his shoulder and neck with her thumb and blanket. I have to speak at VBS tomorrow night at during the welcome and I'm seriously thinking about having her on my hip while I do my little speech...it would just feel so natural!

Waffles were on the menu for breakfast this morning...

After VBS we had chicken nuggets and "roni" for lunch then went to the pool today without swimmies. Yesterday they all had on swimmies and the chlorine and the rubber from the swimmies made a rash on their arms...we put neosporine on them and they are fine. Gracie's was the worst but she doesn't complain at all about them. They did GREAT without their swimmies and I convinced them all to put their heads under the water. Gage did awesome...he jumped to me in the deep end and actually started to swim a little...about 2 or 3 feet. He is coming along. He is strong enough to do it. I just have to find the time to take him daily now because it will just take practice...but he will have it down by the end of the summer! Woohoo!!

Slick told Brad yesterday that I needed to get these girls home as soon as I could because if I kept them too long I will would telling Brad that I needed one really bad. Ummm...I confess...he is right. As much work as girls are with all their "stuff" I have LOVED having some girls in my house this week. I have especially loved fixing hair each morning.

Gage and Maddi are both such a mess!

Hunter had a BLAST in the pool today without swimmies. He was just all over the place.

We came back to the house for a little waterslide fun and had a little snack...red juice, graham crackers, and peanut butter...they ate it "all gone" (as my kids say).

Toby thinks he is such a big dog...trying to climb up the waterslide.
Day 4 in now in the bag. I'm tired but so ready for VBS tomorrow.
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