Remember a few weeks ago when we (Brad and I) went to Colorado without kids. Well now it is our turn to keep our friends children while they go to summer camp. I have learned today that to make it have meals planned don't just fly by the seat of your pants. My ship ran pretty smooth today...due to good planning! Here is our 7 for the week: Gracie 6, Hunter 5, Carson 5, Maddi 4, Gage 3, Eva 17months, Toby 16 months.

Oh and we have VBS all week which I am assistant director and Brad is head of recreation to make things even more crazy...but the kids had a GREAT time at VBS and so did we! We had corn dogs, "roni" (mac and cheese-that what Gage calls it), and whales with red Koolaid.

We put the babies down for their afternoon nap and we headed out to the waterslide to play. Hunter diving into the grass, Gracie is next, and Carson is bring up the rear down the slide.

Hunter and Carson go to school together and are big buddies. That is how we have all become such good friends.

Hunter and Gage were playing push and shove in the water and laughing their tails off!

This is Maddi and I just eat her up!

We all got worn out at the waterslide and headed in for popcorn and Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I have girls at my house this week and am learning what to do with them. They brought dress up clothes! I have tons of food/kitchen stuff. They set out a tea party then got all dressed up.

Then Toby showed up to wreck the tea party...just like a boy!

Late afternoon golf cart ride with everyone...even Slick.

Oh and during bathtime...Toby got a horrible busted lip. Can't you tell he is in such pain? I'm glad that I have tough kids. I hate to see what it's gonna look like in the morning.
Ok...I'm gonna crash now because I have my work cut out for me...still a little laundry to do, dishes to clean, and then I need to mentally plan out my meals for tomorrow. Oh and be in prayer for our VBS director Sharon...she had a horrible stomach bug and is having to miss VBS right now.
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