Carson is obsessed with "racing car games" at Chuck E. Cheese, GattiTown, CiCi's Pizza, entrance to Walmart, the Franklin's house, and the list goes on! His birthday is 3 weeks before Christmas so we usually get him his present 6 months early. Might sound silly to you but it works for us. We got this one off Craigslist with MarioKart (the Ammanns' said this game was a must). Got a great should have seen Brad and I setting it all up last night because we are such not the video game people! We decided Carson could open up his Wii when he got home from school today. I did not have time to wrap it last night so I left it up to Brad. He got creative because he hates to wrap he used what we had around the house...

He put it in about 4 bags and then in a microwave box...Carson was so perplexed!

We just wrapped up the Mariokart game...he was pumped. He started dancing everywhere. The tatoo on his neck is for his program tonight at school...of course I will post on that later!

The first game he played there were 4 races...1st race 12th place, 2nd race 12th place, 3rd race 9th place and 4th race...ummmm 1st place! I am horrible at these games...he awesome!

total concentration...