Last night Bradley and I had our every-other-month SONBEAM date night. We enjoyed some yummy sushi...Brad tried squid last night. His rating was it was ok and bland but the octopus from the last time was much better. We ran a few errands after we ate for things we needed on the farm and then picked up the kids at 9pm. Afterwards me made our traditional pilgrimage to you guessed...Krispy Kreme. There were hats at the check out counter and Brad grabbed 2 for the boys. 
Carson and Brad about to enjoy milk (white and chocolate) with their doughnuts.
Gage, Toby, and I about to indulge also! Toby loved his doughnut (it was his first). Oh and mine is the one with chocolate and favorite. Brad refers to sprinkles as "rainbow rat turds" if you must know...obviously he can't stand them!
Carson couldn't keep his eyes off the doughnut making process. It was amazing to him this time even though we have been several times before. He kept saying "Mom, watch them with me."
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