I have this saying that I learned on a mission trip many years ago in 1992 in Grenada, West Indies (I'm sure that Liza will remember since she was there with me)..."things can always be worse than they are so be thankful for the situation you are in." I'll explain (quick version) a group of us had gone to the other end of the island to do some ministering for the week. We went to sleep one night with the windows open (on the 2nd floor) b/c it was HOT and HUMID. That night we were robbed...they came in our rooms while we were asleep and robbed us of shoes, money, anything they could. We woke up the next morning and started getting ready and realized what had happened. WOW...yes, we were robbed..but God kept us safe! When things get wild and hairy at my house (and they do) this thought comes to mind.

Yesterday I had to run by the Mr. Joe's drug store to get some allergy medicine b/c now that Toby takes it too we run out faster and we were out. While I was in there, I hugged Carson and he felt like he had fever. We went to Lola's to pick up the other boys and Lola took his temp...it was 100.3 and climbing. I called the clinic where we had already visited Saturday remember with Gage and Wednesday with Toby. I told them we would be right there...MelAnn saw us quick and Carson wanted to make sure that she was going to listen to his heart! too sweet. Well we were in and out of there in 30 minutes (thank the Lord for living in a small town). Then off to Mr. Joe's for MORE drugs! Oh and the other 2 boys went with to the clinic and pretty much behaved except for Gage loving the 2 automatic doors and running back and forth to each one and letting them open.

We were still going to try to make it to the sport banquet at the school to be supportive. We decided to take 2 cars just incase though. Glad we did b/c when we got there the "man-in-charge" told Brad that he needed to sit with the coaches and not with his family. I just looked at him and said "seriously?" I was so mad b/c I was there with all of my boys and needed his help. I decided to leave...Bradley supported that decision! He got my box supper and helped me to the car and kissed me good-bye. I decided right then that the "man-in-charge" was NOT going to ruin the rest of my evening and we were going to have fun. I took the boys to the little park in town and they loved the big swirly slide we had not been in a while. Nobody fussed when I said "load up boys and let's head home". We all took showers and then watched Tom and Jerry until Bradley got home.

Oh...remember Carson went to the zoo several weeks ago. Well they did a big animal unit at school and Carson had to draw "the best animal at the zoo." Know what it is? Can't you tell it's a happy alligator! I love it especially the 4 legs and the smile...it made me smile! One tidbit about Magnolia...the language dept at the school writes everything in cursive. Cursive is easier to write b/c you never pick your pencil up...think about it! Don't you think it would be easier for kids with disabilities (or any kid for that matter) to write in cursive and learn phonics? Come on school systems...get with the program!
Oh and by the way...I had a great day even though several things got in my way to try to make it not so great!
When it rains, it pours!! Your outlook on things makes all the difference in the world. I can learn from you!!(Ha!Ha!)
ReplyDeleteamy i had forgotten we got robbed! wow! love carsons alligator!