Brad and 2 of his buddies (Phil and Jeffrey) went frogging in Vicksburg this past weekend.

They caught 37 of the biggest frogs I've even seen...ugh!

Carson was riding the four wheeler with Nana and Slick. But Gage and Toby were right up in all the business. They loved looking at the frogs because it was all new to them.

Some of them would start moving b/c they were thawing out (I know...yuck.) But they would spot one moving and starting yelling and hollering to the guys. It was funny...

This is the picture that I sent our local paper...I couldn't resist b/c it was too cute!

I was jealous I did not get invited. I would have loved this adventure. I told Brad my feelings ont he matter and he agreed that I would love it. He promises to take me soon...
And what are we doing with all those frogs? Frog legs anyone?