After Harry the Potter we went to CiCi's Pizza.

Thankgoodness they had cartoons going in there. All the adults were able to eat while they were glued to the television...whoohoo!

I mean glued to the television...

Carson knew we were going to CiCi's Pizza. His favorite thing is not the food but the racing car game in the gameroom! He went to his room (to check out his money stash) and came back and counted it out all to me. He said "mama I only have $4 and I need $6 because that is how many people we have in our class." He wanted to make sure all his friends got to play the game and not just him. That was too sweet. So I told him very quickly not to worry about any of the money that because he was so sweet and concerned about his friends that mama would take care of the $6. This boy was pumped when the adults got thru eating and it was time to ride!

Carson and all his Magnolia buddies...
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