Gage, Toby and I took off to GG's for Halloween weekend. (Don't worry...Carson had plenty of fun all to himself with his Nana and Slick...Bradley was off trying to hunt 4 legged animals with anters so he was happy too!)
We did not have major plans for Halloween night just figured we would go down 2nd street behind GG's house. But...we found the greatest place and had so much fun. In Ocean Springs they close down Washington and Government streets and have Trick Or Treat Down The Street! All 4 of us had such a fun time. All the businesses handout candy and the local church has a huge festival with about 5 jumpies in the back...can you say H-E-A-V-E-N to Gage and Toby!
Cookie Monster checking out his loot in his bag...

GG and her cute little monkey!

My boys thought this guy was great with his huge pumpkin head! They were so mezmerized at him they would not even look at the camera...but I guess not posed is good sometimes...

We had a great time...the best part of the night to me was on our way home Mom said "I haven't had that much fun on Halloween night in a long time...I had so much fun." that comment made my night!

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