We did not have major plans for Halloween night just figured we would go down 2nd street behind GG's house. But...we found the greatest place and had so much fun. In Ocean Springs they close down Washington and Government streets and have Trick Or Treat Down The Street! All 4 of us had such a fun time. All the businesses handout candy and the local church has a huge festival with about 5 jumpies in the back...can you say H-E-A-V-E-N to Gage and Toby!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
trick or treat
We did not have major plans for Halloween night just figured we would go down 2nd street behind GG's house. But...we found the greatest place and had so much fun. In Ocean Springs they close down Washington and Government streets and have Trick Or Treat Down The Street! All 4 of us had such a fun time. All the businesses handout candy and the local church has a huge festival with about 5 jumpies in the back...can you say H-E-A-V-E-N to Gage and Toby!
We tried Pumpkin Ice Cream!
Carson and Lain digging into their combinations...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Beat Those Trojans...

Pumpkin Patch with Carson
Thursday, October 29, 2009
At the Zoo...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Only Gage-Man
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Boys Love Big Toys
See the large blade as it goes down the power line cutting the limbs... Carson loved this big machine. He kept asking if he could get on it but we kept telling him wait until the workers left and then we would go check it out. He was so excited to get up close and personal with it!
Look how big this blade is...
My favorite 4 boys...
Everyone has to have a turning "driving" this big machine...Here is Gage-Man
Then Carson Henry...
Ummmm Toby was NOT going to be left out of all this fun!
And neither was Bradley...
Look at how sharp it cuts the tree limbs.
See how even and nice the light line looks now. Brad is extremely happy because now he doesn't have to do this! There is a deer stand right in the middle of this light line and you can see forever when the limbs are cut back. Usually I have to drive along in the big truck or the golfcart as he wacks away at the limbs...but not this year! Too bad this big machine will be finishin up today on our farm...it was fun to watch (and play on!)
Friday, October 23, 2009
I (heart) Photoshop!