One of my most favorite days of the year is the Magnolia Christmas Program. It just warms my heart to see all of the children who by prayers, technology, and Magnolia Speech School can SPEAK and HEAR! It is just amazing and will just give you goosebumps all over if you ever attend a performance. I tear up everytime I go to just can't help it.
One of my friends now has a child that also attends.
Liza and I had a great time catching up for about an hour and a half before the performance started. You must get there early to get a good seat. It was great to have her (and her husband) sitting there behind us getting to experience the whole thing too!

I went to check out what Carson's class was doing and just as I was getting there...Santa was too! It was fun to get some cute pictures of the class while Santa gave them all presents and also Ms. Addie got pictures with all of the on Santa's lap.

The whole class...Ms. Denice, Lain, Carson, Ms. Jessica, Demarrius, Cameron, Jonathan, and Freddie.

Avery is the cute bunny in the middle and Hunter is the little sheep.

Caiden did great on his speaking part..."STAR!"
Carson came out just cheesing it! It was great. He did such a good job on his solo too. Tears were just running down my cheeks as I was trying to video tape it.

Singing Happy Birthday Jesus. (a Magnolia Speech School tradition)