Monday, October 18, 2010 Gage had to be hospitalized. A few weeks before he started complaining about his ear. We thought it was swimmer's ear again and treated it. Then a week later I took him in and doctor said to keep treating it with ear drops and call it anything happens. Well, Monday morning it did...yuck started draining from it. But ran NO fever. We had an appt at 11am with Stevens (love this doctor.) He referred us to Reed at UMC...also wonderful. He said good news: ear drum looks great, bad news: this boy needs to be in hospital for IV antibiotics for an abscess behind his ear. He should have been in here a week ago, I can't believe he is not in severe pain. I'm telling y'all...this boy is TOUGH!

We wanted to be at our local hospital...Simpson General. It was close to home, friends, and our support system that keeps us all sane and grounded! Dr. Reed said "ok." So back home we went and got checked in. Melissa (a dear friend) got her best IV stickers in the ER to go ahead and get an IV started. No tears from Gage...just BIG eyes right when they stuck him but after that he was cool as a cucumber! Ask Melissa if you don't believe me!

Our friends and family started showing up as soon as we checked in and began showering Gage with love, attention, and lots of goodies! This hospital also gives "guest" plates with a child so you don't have to go out and search for food. It was perfect...I was able to feed Bradley without worrying what I was going to "fix."

He has his arm wrapped in blue and then green wrap to keep his IV safe. His special girlfriend Vickie always came by to check on him and had to prick his finger twice on Wednesday...he did great then too. He made me text his Nana and tell her to bring more gummies, suckers and 10am the next day it was on his bed! ROTTEN!

He had lots of playmates to come visit. and lots of new toys to play with. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...I know that was because everyone was praying for us!

Playing "air guitar" on his bed...trying to keep him somewhat calm. On about day 3 of us being there he got orders that he could go outside. Brad and Slick were there and took him out. He said out and ran around in circles about 20 times...Brad said he looked like he was a little dog that had been chained up for a week all the energy he let out!

A big highlight when I was there one morning is that we had a helicopter land at the hospital to pick up a patient that was being transported. It was super cool to Gage to get sooo close to one.

He did look forward to every afternoon when his brothers would come up and run around and drive him crazy and play with his toys and eat his candy. I loved that people that are so special to us could just drop by to say HI and cheer Gage up and give him a little smile so he could look at someone different!

On Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 1:30 we got orders from Stevens that we could go home and by 2:30 Melissa was wheeling Gage out to the van with ALL this stuff! His girlfriends all came by to tell him bye-bye and hope he gets better 100%.

He demanded to go to school the next day. He was a celebrity when he showed up. He showed everyone his "hole" in his arm "that is where I got my IV!" We are on antibiotics for 2 weeks unless Dr. Reed wants us to be on them longer when we follow up to see him.

I was sooo overwhelmed with the prayers and support from my family and friends. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful support system in my little "home-to-me-now" town!