Brad knew I was having a rough day...quite stressful in certain times with 2, 4, 6 yr old boys and a 15 yr old teenage girl...yikes. Most of the time I hold it together quite well I have to say...but then there are times when I just can't do it anymore...and I crumble. This was one of those crumble days when I did ask God "can I really handle ONE more thing?" That late afternoon I walked in to the kitchen and this is what I found! This is my all-time favorite gift from Bradley...fresh picked flowers from our farm. He has been working food plots and working fences so he found these while he was working...aren't they beautiful!

I talk to my friend Joan all the time...she knows more about all aspects of my life I feel like than anyone. So I was sharing my story with her of my flowers. I thought she might know what they were. She didn't but she knew someone who did...
Joan White wrote:
Bobby, a close friend sent me these pictures--there will be 2 e-mails with the same picture, but different view, of these wild flowers that were on the wooded area of their farm. I was talking with her and she wondered what they could be and said she was going to send me pictures to see if i knew. I told her, I'd never know, but that you were an expert and would probably know. If you do know or find out let me know. I would appreciate it so that i could let her know.....Joan

His reply:
Spider Lily .You can Google on it and see a ton of images, e.g.