I have friends who were done having babies. This oldest is Carson's age (6) and they found out they were pregnant this past Christmas...not just with one but with 2! ~ that's her story
I have always said that I wanted 4 children. But after Toby started getting older nearing 2...I prayed about it. I asked God to either take the desire away or allow us to get pregnant. He took the desire away completely! I was ok with 3 but always wanted 4...just did not want to carry one for 9 months or birth another. Well, He blessed us with #4...God has such a sense of humor though...1. She's a girl, 2. She's a teenager, 3. She's a cheerleader! (0 and she's learning to drive)

This is Megan...God has given her to us. We love her sooooo much. My boys' love soooo much. She just fits in perfect with us. Our job is to "love and protect Megan." We were given this precious duty and task from God on May 3, 2010. I would take nothing for her.